22 April, 2009

Week 1

My results from the first week is far from good. All I've managed to do is to eat more regularly. A busy work schedule have kept me from doing the exercises I really really need to get positive results. Hopefully i will get it sorted this following week.

It's that time of the month so I'm storing water like a camel which you can see from the numbers below:

Week 1st 21/04/09
Weight: 50,7 kg (-0.4)
Body fat %: 28% (+0,9) / Visceral fat: 3
Muscles: 28.9% (-1,1%)
BMI: 20,2 (-0,1)
Estimated BMR: 1190 cal (-3)

Measurments in cm

upper arms (R/L):
thighs (R/L):
calfs (R/L):

87 (+3)
27,5/26,8 (+1,2/+0,8)
69 (+1)
75,5 (+0,5)
88,5 (+0,5)
51/51 (+0,5/+0.5)


* Visceral fat is the fat around and between the organs. Level 1-9 is healthy.

Less weight could mean that I probably lost a little bit of fat and a little bit of muscles...hopefully I will manage to gain a bit of muscle mass till next time. I have a short exercise programme which I will do every evening this week. Lets see if that has any effect :)

Hopefully I will have less water in the system next time :)


15 April, 2009

Start - weigh in

Here are the starting values after this morning's weigh in:

START - 14/04/09
Weight: 51,1 kg
Body fat %: 27.1% / Visceral fat: 3
Muscles: 30%
BMI: 20,3
Estimated BMR: 1193 cal

Measurments in cm

upper arms (R/L):
thighs (R/L):
calfs (R/L):



* Visceral fat is the fat around and between the organs. Level 1-9 is healthy.


I know some of you might think 'why?'. Like I have said before I get great satisfaction knowing that I can control my body and make it do what I want it to. I have days when I see myself in the mirror and think, I can do better than this and if I have the motivation, time and knowledge, why not?

I'm very curious about the results I will have achieved after the first week, I hope you guys are as well!


13 April, 2009

Two years later

Two years later and I've found myself being out of shape like never before. I have a couple of reasons why though. In November 2008 I was hit by pericarditis and I still haven't recovered completely. Six weeks ago I also had a minor surgery to remove some tissue from my armpit which stopped me from going to the gym. Something I had planned for since beach 2009 is closing in. Now I feel I'm healed enough to start and the goal is to get my squares back!

I will start tomorrow ( start 14/04/2009) and will go at it for 4 weeks. (end 12/05/2009)

*To lose 1,5 - 2 kgs of fat in a 4 weeks period.
I will probably end up with about 1 kg of weightloss since i will also gain some muscles during this period.
*Lose 3 cm around my waist.
You will get my measurements and other details tomorrow when I weigh in.

This time i don't have gym card so all will be done with equipment i have at home which is a chin bar, jumping ropes and weights. I will also focus on low impact fat burning exercises like walking, cycling, swimming and jogging. I will also work extra hard on my abs and also back to keep the balance. It will be interesting to see how the result will differ from 2 years ago when I did go to the gym as well and focused on both heavy weightlifting and cardio.

I will keep a low carbohydrate diet (no carbs after 3pm) and will consume my daily calories every 3 hour. This means I will eat about 5 times per day. I will also cut down on alcohol, especially beer ;)

To keep track of my progress I have have a measuring tape like always. Measuring in a relaxed state. But since last time I also have this: Omron BF500
Now i can keep better track of my body fat percentage and amount of fat free mass. I will measure and weigh in every monday morning.
I will also take photos.

Check in every week starting from tomorrow if your curious about my progress!
