14 March, 2007

Trying out detox - final

I've been busy lately so I haven't had time much time over for this project but it looks like it's clearing up a bit for now so here is an update on the detox.

I endured the 9 days (the taste was awful) which turned into 10 days because there was enough mixture in the bottle for one more day.
First of all, the detox i tried contains caffeine and since I was taking it twice per day I had one dose in the morning and one in the evening. I did have a bit of a problem falling a sleep before I connected the two dots. When I did, I took the second dose a bit earlier in the day and after that I didn't have any problems with my sleep. I'm extremely sensitive to caffeine so I don't think this is a general reaction, just be aware if you know you're sensitive too.

I also noticed that my toilet visits became more regularly which I found positive since to me it meant that my body was processing food and fluids better than before and this effect is something that has remained even though the detox was over weeks ago. The positives could be because of the detox but there could of course be other reasons as well. It could have been the placebo effect or as simply as me drinking more water.

Detox is usually recommended as a starting point when you want to start losing weight to get rid of bad residues stored in your internal organs and boost your metabolism and prepare your body for the change that is about to happen

When I'm talking about detox I mean the kind of detox that you do on top of your regular diet, adding good nutritional foods and avoiding bad foods and liquids. Not the ones that tells you too drink lots of water and only live on fruit for two weeks...that is what I call starvation.

I believe that the good type of detox is an option for you every now and then, not too often and it sure isn't a necessity. I can see why some recommend it just before you actively take actions to loose weight, especially if you have had a bad diet for a long time. You get rid of waste that is stuck in your internal organs and you get a fresh start for your weight loss.

I also have a theory that a detox could help you get moving again once you've reached a plateau. I can't confirm this because I haven't reached a plateau yet. I might try out my theory later on and will report on it then.

I am certain that there are many different products out there and if you're interest in trying, do a little bit of research, ask the people in health stores to find the one for you. There are also many online recipes out there for you to grab if you want to try that instead of buying a mixture. I made a quick search and found this site which seems to be a good source for information on detox and I will definitely try the recipes that have avocados. I love avocado :)

I'll be back soon with part 4 of the fitnesssimplified series.
Till then, have fun and be safe.


Mio said...

du HAR ju en bloggspot ju!!!
you didn't tell ;P
hey'ya :)

ze7en said...

hej hej!
jo jag har en blogspot men inte inte en personlig som dig ju :)