30 January, 2007

health mode v1 - week 2

So a week has passed since I first started and if you look at the numbers it's all good but they don't really match up to what I've been doing.
I have been a bit slack though, mostly on the exercising part and to be honest I haven't been eating enough so I suspect that I've lost mostly water and a bit of muscle mass instead of what I really wanted to target, fat.

So what have I been doing the past week?
I had my mind set on walking for about an hour every morning...i did 3 mornings...I have a tendency to go to bed after 2 am and that makes it really hard to get up by 6:40...I will have to work on this a bit more, make sure I go to sleep earlier.
I've done 3 gym sessions where I've mostly used my own body as resistance working my entire body but focusing on tightening up the abdominal area and about 30 minutes of cardio after the workouts.
When I start out in the gym I always get sore, it's just part of the process!
Diet wise, I'm very anti most of the diets out there, so I eat what every I want but SWAP out the bad things for not so bad things. I'm not going for the miss fitness title 2007...if i did then I would have to be more strict.
One big change is eating regularly and at least 5 times per day.
I'm drinking a whole lot more water than I usually do. I just never get thirsty so this is sort of a problem for me, but I now have glasses and cups every where to remind myself to drink. I have at least three or four protein shakes to make sure I get enough proteins through out the day, I usually take these before and after a workout but also in between the bigger meals.
I've replaced bad fats with good fats. The way I do that is by cutting out fat in my cooking and supplement with good fats in the form of omega 3 and CLA capsules. I'm also eating additional calcium, this is good for your metabolic process but I also need it because I don't eat/drink any milk products because I'm a bit sensitive to lactose.
I also try to cut carbs after 3 pm, except after a workout when I eat a fruit or two.
Before workouts, if I remember, I also take the recommended dose of Lean System 7 capsules for a bit of an extra boost of energy and fat burning effect. I would only recommend this if you're reached a plateau or if you trying to lose more weight than what your body think is healthy for you e.g bodybuilders and what ever else you have where you need to get rid of fat to show your muscles. They are quite expensive and it would suck to use them when you don't really need them...you'll just end up with very expensive pee and a lighter wallet.

I will write more about all of these topics later.

.: starting data week 2 :.

Female (yup, still female)
Age: 26
Height: 158.5 cm
Weight:50.45 kg (- 1.15kg)
Estimated BMR: 1300 cal

Measure points are taken with my body relaxed.
Problem areas are my waist under my bellybutton and lower back.

upper arms:
under bellybutton:
one week ago
84 cm
26/26.3 cm
68 cm
74.7 cm
88.5 cm
50/50 cm
33/33 cm
84.5 cm (+ 0.5 cm)
26.1/26.3 cm (+0.1/0 cm)
67 cm (-1 cm, yay! )
72.8 cm (-1.9, cm yay!)
88 cm (- 0.5)
49.5/49.5 cm (-0.5/-0.5 cm)
33.3/33.3 cm (+0.3/+0.3 cm)


bellybutton = 72 cm
weight = 50 kg
in about 3 weeks from now.

Analyze of the results:
The changes for the first week are usually always pretty dramatic no matter where you start. For me I think I had retained a bit of water because of this: For all the ladies
My body is probably retaining more water than I first thought when I first weighed in and measured myself.
As you can see I've added some to my chest...but to be honest...I really don't mind adding to that area, if only I could add some to my butt as well ;)
My calfs grow like weed...I blame my soccer playing days as a kid...they are a bit unproportional and I don't like that at all.
I might change my goal but will stick to the current goal for the next period and see what happens first.

This is what I look like now. A small change, I know my muscles are under there somewhere :) and yes I did get bitten by something on the side...it's bigger now than last week :/

week 2 - fitness weight loss fat loss

This is what i looked like last week:
week 1 - fitness weight loss fat loss

My plans for the coming week will be a changing it from a one week period to two weeks because I'm going on a mini vacation to finally get my pg 1 in paragliding :) I'm pretty sure my plan will be a bit tampered with but I will stay active running around with my glide and also do a bit of kayaking. Traveling and eating healthy is something I've had problems with before but I will do my best and I will make sure to eat a bit more :)
I will also work on my upper body to gain some strength for the kayaking, which I will be doing for two whole days.

Till next time, be safe, be happy


Anonymous said...

Verkligen seriös blogg. Imponerande.

Det där med vitaminerna.. Käkar dem typ med frukostmackan. Vet inte om det räknas som mat, men det är iallafall inte på tom mage.

Jag lämnar blod, och då har jag alltid bra järnvärden... Men man kan ju ha brist på så mycket, borde väl eg kolla upp det.

ze7en said...

Tack tack :)

Det borde räcka med en macka tycker jag.

Det är ju inte bra om du går och mår så där så jag tycker nog att du borde kolla upp det.

Hoppas att det blir bättre snart!