health mode v1 - week 1
when I left Sweden back in September 2005 I was fairly fit after spending some time in the gym prior to my journey half around the world to New Zealand. When I at a later point got to weigh myself I had gained 2kgs! I have a theory that the gravity is different over here hence adding 2kgs...
what do you guys think? Anyone else have any scientific test results that can prove my theory to be right? If so, let me know :)
with no real proof supporting my theory I started to go the gym and improved my diet just in case my theory was wrong. My goal was to get stronger and lose fat and I did really well. I was information hungry and I learned a lot and took a real interest in fitness and everything around it.
now it's time again after a long break due to injuries, sickness and of course Christmas. I am now 3.5 kgs above my desired weight...
.: starting data week 1 :.
Age: 26
Height: 158.5 cm
Weight:51.6 kg
Estimated BMR: 1300 cal
Measure points are taken with my body relaxed.
Problem areas are my waist under my bellybutton and lower back.
upper arms:
under bellybutton:
84 cm
26/26.3 cm
68 cm
74.7 cm
88.5 cm
50/50 cm
33/33 cm
bellybutton = 72 cm
weight = 50 kg
in a month from now.
This is what I look like now. I will hopefully by the end of this I'll have a more defined tummy.
I know some of you might think 'what the hell is she complaining about?' why does she want to do this when she doesn't really have a problem.
I get great satisfaction knowing that I can control my body and make it do what I want it to. I have days when I see myself in the mirror and think, I can do better than this and if I have the motivation, time and knowledge, why not?
my goal this time is to lose fat and keep my muscles which is not the easiest thing to do. I will let you in on my progress over the next month.
I hope you guys will drop by to see how I'm doing.
Hi there ze7en....I'm writing to let u know i've added your link to my blog and u can add my link which is blog name: Healthy living through stretching. Also was looking at your pic maybe u should consider your posture. u appear a bit sway back in the lumbar area. also about gaining weight i noticed when i moved to the tropic i had weight gain retaining fluid i think..catch ya later..stretchguy
Thanks keoki, I've added you as well.
I think you might be right about holding on to water when you're in the tropics, but NZ isn't really's more tempered. Part from the mild winters it's pretty much like Sweden.
My back is crocked like that and it has always been :/ I have a big problem finding pants that fits me because of it, grrr
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